Thursday, July 17, 2008

One of my wishes

As you can see through my write that am interested for archaeology, and human evolutions. Actually, I have a lot of my archaeological research in many different places in North Africa, spicily Libya. Through my works, and research I believe that I learned a lot. There is a lot of information in archeological locations they can help as for building our future education, so we can learn from a lot from theme. As I know there are many think they still need work, and a lot of people they don’t know about that. We still need to put some light in humanity evolution and history, and as archeologist I wish to do, or to give something to the world about that. However, I wish to make documentary movies about the history culture in North Africa. In fact; I have much information and evident how can help for making a good movie. I hope that one day I find people how want to do something like this, or to meet theme through my writing. One day my or, our wish is come t…. movie.
Call me if you are interested about this!

Friday, July 11, 2008

The culture evident in Libya

There are a lot of evidence can help as to know about human history and cultures evolution, and the famous one, is Art. Even they are a lot of theses about prehistory culture and civilizations, but we still don’t know about humans languages in that time. As we know through language people can understand each other, and it is the first basic for some culture community. With out language people they can not make community or build culture for future. This simple roll gave as the answer of the oldest language; Art. Through studying old arts in human civilization in Libya we are beginning to know a lot of Libyans cultures root. The archaeological scientist research they proved much information about human evolution in that region. In fact, they find many places with thousands of interesting prehistoric arts, such as; Awinat, Tadrart Acacus,and Methundush. Those places they are older more then 20.000 B.C. Because of the number of evidence and arts, they become one of the famous and the biggest open prehistoric arts museum in the world.