Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My rules about how is welcome to my home

My rules about how is welcome to my home
As a human been we made a lot of rules in our life, some of them is global and difficult, and some is persona and easy. I have a lot of rule in my life some of theme is simply and some hardly. My rule about guests is very simple I don’t like when somebody call me at the phone and I invite him-self to my home, or someone came to my home without call me at the phone before that. Rely, I don’t feel good when I invite someone to my home than he or she came very early. The stronger rule in my home it is don’t teach my personal think, and spicily do not even think to get in my sleeping room, because I think that is very Intiman place to me. I like my rule, so I do the same when someone invites me to his home, too.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The colours meaning

Khalifa 1
Amran Khalifa

Dr. Zalfa Rihani

EAP 1 / reading

18 May 2008

The colours meaning
Thousands of years the human been tried to explain a lot of natural phenomena around them, such as the meaning of colours. There are a lot of opinions and different explanations about the colours, and the symbol of theme. As a human been I have my person meaning about colours such as; Blue is the immortality, Yellow is the history of Sahara, Red is action of life, black is imagination, White is the beginning of new option, and Green is the natural life of the world. I got very different and interesting answers when I asked some Canadian about the colours meaning in Canada, for example; the blue is cool colour, yellow is happiness, red is symbol of hot-sex, black had depressing and sadness influence, white is haven sand cleaner, and green is jealous. They are strong relation between person and colours meaning, and they are a lot of explanation and resins of colours meaning in this world.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Amran Khalifa

Dr. Zalfa Rihani

EAP 1 / reading

7 May 2008

Libyan student in Calgary University
My name is Amran khalifa I came from Libya to study English language because I need it for my post graduated studying in the University of Calgary. As Archaeologist I plan to continue my major in the Archaeological section; first of all, because I love it, secondly, I think that is very interesting seines field. As I read about my work-job I will be going to work archaeology all my life. As personal who usually work on natural field a lot I prefer in my free time to walk a lot, because throughout that I can learn more thinks about natural environment, and I can have clear mined enjoying on natural view, too. As international student who want to finish his P.H.D studying in Canada I have full time English course classes, so after my class every day I have to study a lot at home throughout woke my homework and riding different books every day. Also, I have to work a lot about my P.H.D theses, and that where I find my self in very difficult situation as in English and as Student College, too. Finally, studying English language is very interesting and easiest specially when you do that in country how have English as native language, but to improve your English for college or University study you have to work very hard and intensive every day.

Friday, May 9, 2008